Alabama’s Gulf Coast offers uncrowded beaches with sand that doesn’t get hot — a chill alternative to Florida

For much of my youth, Central Florida was synonymous with summer vacation. Tampa Bay, Clearwater, and Orlando were where I spent many summers at my Aunt Nancy’s condo and had my theme park rites of passage. When my husband and I made a road trip from Chicago to Panama City, I found myself in a part of the South I’d never known: the panhandle.   We spent a few days in this new territory, which was smaller and more local than Clearwater. So, when I had the opportunity to take a right to Alabama’s Gulf Coast instead of a left […]

Daily Horoscope for June 12, 2024

Everything will probably require a bit more effort today. The universe wants things in a particular order as the Moon enters analytical Virgo, before trining make-it-happen Mars in earthy Taurus. Events get stopped in their tracks, however, when buzzy Mercury in Gemini squares icy Saturn in Pisces at 6:47 am EDT, forcing us to reconsider our ideas and rethink our plans. It will be particularly tempting to blast off into the unknown, when the Moon makes one last square to excitable Jupiter, also in Gemini.