Renee’ Kennedy, President of AAA Life Solutions, Interviewed on Podcast Discussing Financial Forecast: Dark Storms Ahead then Bright and Clear

Renee’ Kennedy discusses overcoming financial challenges. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: One specific challenge discussed is the difficulty young people face in purchasing a house. Renee Kennedy explains that the real estate market operates on the principle of supply and demand, currently maintaining an equilibrium. She mentions her 30-year mortgage with a low-interest rate, recognizing that it may not be attainable for most people. This situation presents a significant hurdle for young individuals trying to afford housing and sheds light on the financial challenges…

James Lavorgna, Founder of Spencer Advisory Services, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Succession & Legacy Planning

James Lavorgna discusses building a sustainable future: succession planning and legacy strategies. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: Succession planning refers to the process of determining the future owner of a business after the current owner exits. This can involve transferring the business to a family member or selling it to an outsider or group. It is crucial to establish governance and ideals to make sure that those of the future owners align with the culture and values of the business. Failing to do so…