This congresswoman was born and raised in Ukraine. She just voted against aid for her homeland

U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz, the first and only Ukrainian-born member of Congress, emerged early on as a natural advocate for supporting her native country in its war with Russia. But when $61 billion in additional support for the war effort came up for a vote in the House recently, she voted against it.

Card sellers meet sports card collectors in Willowbrook/Burr Ridge card show

Being a sports fan, that is to say, a sports fanatic, has long meant more than watching a game and supporting the hometown team on game day. For fans, the games are a part of life, a social tradition that takes root, often in childhood, and never lets up. The tradition can grow wild and expensive and elaborate or it can be held in check by real world responsibilities but a sports fanatic holds on to it, maintains it, and loves it, each in his or her own way. Merchandise shows off favorite teams and players. Win flags transmit Cubs […]

Park Ridge voter registration drive brings in nearly 100, per clerk

A voter drive hosted by the Park Ridge City Clerk at the library and at an assisted living facility brought in nearly 100 people, according to the clerk. City Clerk and Deputy Registrar Sal Raspanti hosted a voter drive with the Park Ridge Public Library on April 27 and another drive at the Summit of Uptown on April 25. Raspanti helped residents verify their voter status, register new voters or re-register voters who are new to Park Ridge. “Voter apathy may be a thing of the past . . . well, at least, in 2024,” Raspanti said in a news […]