Lincolnwood bans ‘garish’ lights, called ‘attention-getting devices’

Calling them “garish” and out of character with village aesthetics, Lincolnwood trustees have banned “attention-getting devices” aimed at motorists and pedestrians. Officials called the devices “non-communicative” and said 28 businesses currently using them must remove them within six months, according to the amendment banning them under Lincolnwood’s zoning ordinance. The Village Board voted unanimously last month to add language banning such devices and defining them as “rope lighting, flexible lighting, series lighting, and other similar applications of window trimming, but excluding seasonal lights.” “It’s a garish look,” Village President Jesal Patel said of the devices. “The crafters of our sign […]

Pasquale Sacchetta, President of CFIG Wealth Management, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Market Risk

Pasquale Sacchetta discusses navigating market risk Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: Interview with Pasquale Sacchetta President of CFIG Wealth Management Discussing Market Risk – Business Innovators Radio Network Market risk can significantly impact retirement savings by causing fluctuations in the value of a portfolio. During a market downturn, investments can decrease in value, leading to an overall reduction in the portfolio’s worth. This decline may force retirees to sell more shares to meet their income needs, especially if they rely on their investment portfolio for…

Jeff Altman Founder of Altman Advisory Group, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Roth IRA, 401K and IRA’s

Jeff Altman discusses navigating 401ks and IRAs: advice on maximizing your investments Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:  Transferring your 401k into an individual IRA account can provide you with more control over your investments. Jeff Altman emphasizes the importance of transferring your 401k into an individual IRA account when leaving an employer. He points out that having your money in a 401k limits your control over investments. Typically, when employees leave a company, they fill out paperwork in the HR office without receiving personalized…