Today in History: Tuskegee Syphilis Study exposed

On July 25, 1972, the notorious Tuskegee syphilis experiment came to light as The Associated Press reported that for the previous four decades, the U.S. Public Health Service, in conjunction with the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, had been allowing poor, rural Black male patients with syphilis to go without treatment, even allowing more than 100 of them to die, as a way of studying the disease.

Asking Eric: Grandkids are being kept away from dentist

Dear Eric: My grandchildren, ages 10 and 14, have not been to a dentist since long before Covid. I have brought up the subject with their mother and she agrees they need to see a dentist, but it has not happened. Their mother and father have excellent teeth and the children have inherited this, but I do worry about them. I have an excellent relationship with my daughter and try not to interfere in her parenting. I have offered to take them to the dentist myself, but she has declined. The younger one comes to my house before school every […]

Daily Horoscope for July 25, 2024

We’re making dreams real. With the emotional Moon working hand-in-hand with dreamy Neptune, our emotions may fluctuate, but our intuition expands. The Moon then moves into fiery Aries, activating the turbo drive for motivation. When communicative Mercury jogs into its home sign of meticulous Virgo at 6:42 pm EDT, we’re able to organize our thoughts and focus like a laser. Later on, the confident Sun supports driven Mars to make it obvious that we’re on a beeline for progress. No more waiting!