Daily Horoscope for January 16, 2025

Everyone’s nerves are on edge! The sensitive Moon struggles to work with confusing Neptune, making it difficult to know how we’re really feeling or why. When nervous Mercury has similar battles with expansive Jupiter at 7:51 am EST, our worries are magnified — we might even play a part in making them more real by talking about them. Lastly, the Moon moves into detail-oriented Virgo, potentially heightening the restlessness, but offering more clarity on how to manage it. Don’t get swept up by drama.

Gary must pay $12.3 million to East Chicago, Michigan City after state comptroller error

Gary will have to pay approximately $12.3 million to East Chicago and Michigan City after the Indiana State Comptroller made an accounting mistake. The Indiana State Comptroller mistakenly sent $12.3 million to Gary that should’ve been distributed to East Chicago and Michigan City to ease the financial burden following the move of the Majestic Star casinos to Hard Rock along I-94. Ahead of the casinos’ move, the legislature voted to provide the communities with deficiency payments from 2022 to 2025, but the state comptroller never released the payments, said State Rep. Gregory Porter, D-Indianapolis. Gary should be able to […]