Hutton: Smith leaves indelible athletic legacy in Gary

When I last saw Earl Smith Jr. at the inaugural Gary Sports Hall of Fame ceremony, it looked like he could still strap on a pair of shoulder pads and line up at running back. He was 87.
Smith was lean and fit with a strong handshake. Smith’s presence always changed the room when he arrived. He was a cut above.
Smith was athletic royalty in a city that adored their sports heroes.  A football, basketball and track star at Roosevelt, Smith left Gary for five years to attend college at the University of Iowa. He returned to Gary with his degree and never left. Smith died on Thursday. He was 90.

Haake: Attacking California fire victims in their time of need is psychopathic behavior

On a per capita basis, California’s gross domestic product is greater than the economies of the U.S., China, Germany, and Japan. Setting aside per capita comparisons and measuring productivity in hard dollars, California’s state economy ranks fifth in the world, just behind the national economies of those four countries. Home to 39 million people, California is also the most populous state in the U.S.