Judge detains man accused of killing Innovations High School students: ‘It doesn’t get much more violent than that’

As childhood friends, 17-year-old Monterio Williams and 16-year-old Robert Boston, left a downtown high school at dismissal time last January, three masked gunmen pulled up in a stolen SUV, shooting and killing the boys in broad daylight, prosecutors said in court Saturday.  One of the alleged gunmen, Tommie Coleman, was ordered detained Saturday during a […]

Daily Horoscope for February 02, 2025

The most obvious course of action could be all it takes to meet our needs today. As the impulsive Aries Moon sextiles logical Mercury at 11:35 am EST, we can listen to our intuition and still keep an eye on the big picture. Luna goes on to collaborate with both fortunate Jupiter and the vibrant Sun, so we’re probably on the right track. Running our plans by the people in our lives is a good step, but we don’t have to overthink things.

‘To call this a crime of violence is quite the understatement:’ Judge detains two men accused of tying up, killing 63-year-old man

As 63-year-old George Levin finished up a Sunday dinner with his mother and sister, two men left a nearby apartment armed with duct tape, prosecutors said, and entered the Norwood Park home after reportedly arranging a meetup with Levin online. But in the span of about half an hour, prosecutors alleged, the men brutally attacked […]