Daily Horoscope for February 08, 2025

Gaining perspective on our wounds is possible now. The vital Sun in logical Aquarius sextiles tender Chiron in primal Aries at 1:22 am EST, shining a spotlight on whatever’s been holding us back. As the emotional Moon shifts into sensitive Cancer, we might need to feel our pain to heal it. Nonetheless, as intellectual Mercury also sextiles Chiron, thinking through our problems can plausibly further our understanding of why upsetting events unfolded the way they did. Finding meaning and purpose should be comforting!

Porter Commissioners, Soliday differ on House bill shifting energy permitting to the state

The Porter County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution opposing Indiana House Bill 1628 on Friday morning — a measure which would give authority for approving multijurisdictional utility projects affecting electricity, gases and fluids, and water to the state by July 1, if approved in the current legislative session which ends April 29th.