AseptiScope’s DiskCover System brings in a new era of patient safety and hygiene protocol

Content oversight and quality assurance provided by Studio 1847 Health care-associated infections pose a persistent and tremendous threat to patient safety. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they’ve claimed the lives of 72,000 hospitalized patients. The stethoscope, also known as a clinician’s “third hand,” can be a passive vector of HAIs, especially […]

Meet Dr. Dave Chatterjee, the mind behind the Commitment-Preparedness-Discipline method for cybersecurity

Content oversight and quality assurance provided by Studio 1847 With new threats coming faster than most can comprehend, the battle for digital security rages. Dr. Dave Chatterjee is an expert who offers a more effective cybersecurity readiness solution than firewalls and encryption. As the architect of the Commitment-Preparedness-Discipline method, he is changing cybersecurity from a […]