Junta de seguridad en el transporte pide prohibir algunos vuelos en aeropuerto de Washington

Por JOSH FUNK, JOHN SEEWER y NATHAN ELLGREN WASHINGTON (AP) — Los investigadores federales que estudian la causa de la colisión en enero entre un avión de pasajeros y un helicóptero del Ejército estadounidense cerca de Washington, D.C., en la que murieron 67 personas, recomendaron el martes prohibir algunos vuelos en helicóptero, afirmando que la […]

Letters to the Editor

Evanston should ban elected officials from lobbying For the last 20 years, I’ve paid close attention to the Evanston City Council, but I had no idea the extensive nature of Alderperson and Springfield lobbyist Tom Suffredin’s conflicts of interests until reading recent media reports. I’ve filed an ethics complaint against Suffredin, which highlighted several occasions […]

Murder trial begins for Harvey man charged in fatal 2020 New Lenox gas station shooting

Almost five years after 19-year-old Charles Baird was shot outside a Circle K gas station in New Lenox — the village’s first homicide in two decades — the trial for a Harvey man facing murder charges began Tuesday. Baird’s mother, Jennifer, has maintained a memorial at the Circle K gas station on Nelson Road since […]