Por DÉBORA REY BUENOS AIRES (AP) — River Plate denunció penalmente el magnate estadounidense Foster Gillett por los delitos de estafa y defraudación por incumplir con el pago de unos 11 millones de dólares por el mediocampista riverplatense Rodrigo Villagra. Gillett, ex propietario del Liverpool inglés, se había convertido en punta de lanza del desembarco […]
Day: March 12, 2025
Cruzaron el mundo para llegar a EEUU Ahora, deportados por orden de Trump, están atrapados en Panamá
Por MATÍAS DELACROIX y MEGAN JANETSKY CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ (AP) — Cruzaron océanos para llegar a Estados Unidos, huyendo de conflictos, persecución religiosa, pobreza y represalias gubernamentales en países como Afganistán, Somalia, Camerún, China, Pakistán e Irán. Después de volar a Centro y Sudamérica, viajaron en autobús por países donde no hablaban el idioma y […]
Director de agencia ambiental de EEUU anuncia medidas para anular normas sobre clima tomadas bajo administración Biden
WASHINGTON (AP) — Director de agencia ambiental de EEUU anuncia medidas para anular normas sobre clima tomadas bajo administración Biden.
Wheaton North placed on ‘secure and teach’ mode
A police presence has gathered at Wheaton North High School this afternoon.
Kane County Board approves reallocation of federal pandemic relief funding, as deadline to spend it nears
The Kane County Board on Tuesday voted to approve just under $500,000 in “reprogramming” federal pandemic relief funding to various county projects in advance of a spending deadline in 2026.
West Chicago mayor says yes to new city hall, challengers say no
While the incumbent West Chicago mayor wants to build a new city hall to help catalyze downtown redevelopment, his two challengers would rather focus on small businesses and infrastructure.
Naperville News Digest: U.S. Rep. Bill Foster to hold town hall meeting Tuesday; ordering in city’s annual Arbor Day tree sale begins Monday
Roundup of small news items for the Naperville area.
Downtown alderman calls for 8 p.m. teen curfew after tourist shooting
Ald. Brian Hopkins’ curfew effort could meet resistance from Mayor Brandon Johnson, who was tepid at best when asked about the proposal.
Down to Business: Physical skills just as important as respect and discipline when learning taekwondo, martial arts studio owners say
Q&A with Inhun Baek and Jinah Park, a husband-and-wife team who own and operate Kingdom Martial Arts in Naperville. The studio teaches taekwando.
Police release more info on suspects in Tuesday’s smash and grab
A group of offenders broke the front glass doors and multiple windows at the 4700 block of West Foster Avenue around 4 a.m., police said.