Asking Eric: I’ve been dealing with unbearable grief mostly alone

Dear Eric: I was raised that, when a friend suffered a loss, we would go to the house with food, flowers or just to offer our support. If the person was too far away, we’d call and send a card or flowers. Six months ago, my son died unexpectedly of a heart attack, and I’ve been dealing with unbearable grief while at the same time having to deal with his affairs mostly alone.

Trump dice que fue “un poco sarcástico” al prometer acabar con la guerra en Ucrania en 24 horas

Por MICHELLE L. PRICE WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, EE.UU. (AP) — El presidente estadounidense Donald Trump declaró el viernes que estaba “siendo un poco sarcástico” cuando afirmó repetidamente mientras era candidato que resolvería la guerra en Ucrania en 24 horas, e incluso antes de asumir el cargo. Se le preguntó a Trump acerca de la […]