Haseena Shaheed-Jackson, of Homewood, created Ava’s Pathways in 2024 to help empower women at any stage of their lives.
Day: March 16, 2025
Editorial: For mayor of Evanston, the Tribune Editorial Board endorses Daniel Biss
Tribune gives endorsement to Daniel Biss for another term as Evanston mayor.
El papa no asistirá al Angelus en la plaza de San Pedro por quinto domingo desde su hospitalización
Por COLLEEN BARRY ROMA (AP) — El papa Francisco continuaba el domingo su recuperación de una neumonía bilateral en el hospital Gemelli de Roma, y se esperaba que el Vaticano difundiera la tradicional plegaria semanal del Ángelus como un texto escrito por quinta semana consecutiva. El papa suele ofrecer el Ángelus desde una ventana con […]
Decades before Irish were Chicago political royalty, they lived in a ramshackle slum called Kilgubbin
Nineteenth century Irish arrivals in Chicago lived in a ramshackle slice of the city dubbed Kilgubbin.
Immigrant families scramble as state health insurance for some noncitizens faces the axe in Gov. JB Pritzker’s budget plan
The impact of Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker’s plan to eliminate a health insurance program for noncitizen immigrants ages 42 to 64.
Cook County assessor fixes hundreds of misclassified properties following Tribune-Illinois Answers investigation
Following a Tribune-Illinois Answers Project report, Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi’s office is fixing hundreds of properties it misclassified.
Clarence Page: Donald Trump’s labeling dilemma
Amid the blizzard of breaking news, a familiar irritation poked through: ethnic labeling. The issue unexpectedly emerged this week while the U.S. Senate considered a stopgap federal funding bill to keep the federal government running and avoid a possible shutdown. After President Donald Trump said Democrats would be blamed and taxes would surge if Democrats […]
Letters: Editorial gets it wrong in its assessment of the US attorney’s office in Chicago
Let’s have another outstanding U.S. attorney, not a politician, who wrestles with the real issues.
Cinco muertos y 10 heridos en un ataque contra un autobús de fuerzas de seguridad en Pakistán
Associated Press QUETTA, Pakistán (AP) — Una bomba colocada al costado de la carretera explotó el domingo cerca de un autobús que transportaba a fuerzas de seguridad en el inestable suroeste de Pakistán. Al menos cinco agentes murieron y otros diez resultaron heridos, según la policía. El ataque ocurrió en Naushki, un distrito en Baluchistán, […]
51 muertos y docenas de heridos en Macedonia del Norte tras un incendio en un club nocturno, según ministro del Interior
SKOPIE, Macedonia del Norte (AP) — 51 muertos y docenas de heridos en Macedonia del Norte tras un incendio en un club nocturno, según ministro del Interior.