Halverson will co-lead the district with outgoing Superintendent Jennifer Norrell until June 30, then take over as sole superintendent.
Day: March 18, 2025
Election board complaint about Trump T-shirt at polling place put off until April
The ruling on a complaint filed by a Cedar Lake poll worker against a police officer, who refused to conceal his “Trump Make America Great Again” T-shirt while voting, will have to wait.
Damage to Elgin church roof likely caused by straight-line winds, NWS says
Straight-line winds — not a tornado or microburst — are the likely cause of the damage done to the roof of First United Methodist Church in Elgin by a storm that moved through the area Friday night, the National Weather Service said.
México: armados graban vídeo intimidatorio contra madres buscadoras por hallar rancho de Jalisco
Associated Press Por MARÍA VERZA (AP) — Individuos encapuchados y armados hasta los dientes divulgaron un video en redes sociales donde arremeten contra las madres buscadoras que localizaron el rancho de Teuchitlán, al occidente de México, que presuntamente funcionaba como centro de muerte y reclutamiento del crimen organizado y donde se localizaron restos calcinados y […]
Nuevo primer ministro de Canadá anuncia compra de radar australiano durante visita al Círculo Ártico
Por ROB GILLIES IQALUIT, Nunavut, Canadá (AP) — El primer ministro canadiense Mark Carney planeaba anunciar el martes una compra de radar a Australia y una expansión de las operaciones militares en el Ártico durante su visita al extremo norte de Canadá, en un esfuerzo por afirmar la soberanía sobre la disputada región. La oficina […]
Informe de la FIFA resalta desigualdad en el fútbol femenino
Por ANNE M. PETERSON A pesar de la creciente atención al fútbol femenino a nivel mundial, la gran mayoría de las jugadoras y equipos siguen teniendo dificultades para obtener recursos e inversión. La FIFA publicó el lunes su informe anual sobre el fútbol femenino, uno que pone sobre relieve las desigualdades en el deporte. El […]
Island Lake pedestrian struck and killed by vehicle
According to authorities, a 21-year-old Glenview woman was driving east on Route 176 at around 9:15 p.m. when she struck Koehnke east of Waters Edge Drive.
Ballots finalized for Calumet City, Thornton Township April 1 elections
Despite dropping out of the race, Harvey Mayor Chris Clark is still listed as a candidate for Thornton Township supervisor under the Reform Thornton Township Party.
‘It was a great day’: Kaneland High graduate is first American in 31 years to win Los Angeles Marathon
Kaneland High School graduate Matt Richtman, from Elburn, won the Los Angeles Marathon on March 16 in a blazing time.
Portage woman gets 21 months in federal case for COVID-19 fund fraud
U.S. District Judge Philip Simon told Kathelia Hopkins that he tried to give federal defendants a break nearly every day. In her case – after defrauding the U.S. Small Business Administration of over $400,000 in COVID-19 relief money – he found he couldn’t.