NUUK, Groenlandia (AP) — Los servicios de inteligencia de Dinamarca informaron el martes que las recientes elecciones en Groenlandia se llevaron a cabo sin señales de influencia por parte de un gobierno extranjero. La contienda del 11 de marzo atrajo la atención internacional tras los comentarios controvertidos del presidente Donald Trump sobre la importancia estratégica […]
Day: March 19, 2025
Ohtani suena jonrón en Japón y lidera ofensiva de Dodgers en victoria 6-3 ante Cachorros
Por DAVID BRANDT TOKIO (AP) — Shohei Ohtani conectó un jonrón solitario en su regreso al Domo de Tokio, Roki Sasaki lanzó tres entradas cargadas de acción en su debut en las Grandes Ligas y los Dodgers de Los Ángeles vencieron el miércoles 6-3 a los Cachorros de Chicago, barriendo la serie de dos juegos […]
Luisiana utiliza nitrógeno por primera vez en ejecución de reo
Por SARA CLINE ANGOLA, Luisiana, EE.UU. (AP) — El estado de Luisiana utilizó gas nitrógeno para ejecutar a un hombre el martes por la noche por un asesinato ocurrido hace décadas, la primera vez que el estado emplea este método tras reanudar las ejecuciones tras una pausa de 15 años. Jessie Hoffman Jr., de 46 […]
Gobierno argentino despliega amplio operativo de seguridad horas antes de protesta de los jubilados
Associated Press BUENOS AIRES (AP) — A horas de la protesta que el miércoles agrupará a distintos sectores opositores en el centro de Buenos Aires en reclamo de una mejora de los haberes de los jubilados, el gobierno del ultraderechista Javier Milei desplegó un amplio operativo de seguridad y advierte que no tolerará los desmanes. […]
Michigan’s Vladislav Goldin — reunited with parents from Russia — hopes to show them NCAA Tournament run
Michigan’s Vladislav Goldin reunited with his parents, whom he left in Russia to pursue his dreams, and hugged them in a breathtaking moment.
Israeli defense minister says evacuation of Palestinians from Gaza combat zones will start again
Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz said Wednesday that Israel will start urging Palestinians to evacuate from Gaza combat zones soon. He warned that Israel is preparing to step up its new offensive.
Dan Hill, CFP®, AIF® CEO & Founder Hill Wealth Strategies, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Portfolio Asset Allocation
Dan Hill discusses the importance of portfolio asset allocation Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: Interview with Dan Hill, CFP®, AIF® CEO & Founder Hill Wealth Strategies Discussing Portfolio Asset Allocation Dan Hill, CEO and founder of Hill Wealth Strategies, to discuss the critical topic of portfolio asset allocation. Dan explains the concept of asset allocation, emphasizing the importance of distributing investments across different asset classes to achieve optimal returns while minimizing risks. He highlights that finding the right balance is not a one-size-fits-all approach, as…
Interview with Mohamed F. Ahmed, Author of “The Inside-Out Entrepreneur”, on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast
Mohamed F. Ahmed discusses the power of mindset: navigating the entrepreneurial journey from the inside out Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: Entrepreneurs face countless external challenges, but as Mohamed F. Ahmed reveals in this insightful interview, the true battleground is internal. Drawing from his journey from near-burnout to successful exit, Ahmed shares how mental resilience transformed his entrepreneurial path and how other founders can develop this crucial strength. Mental resilience refers to an entrepreneur’s ability to withstand and recover from setbacks. Just as a…
Perth Electric Bike Centre Pulls Back The Curtain On The New 2025 Velo De Ville Range
Perth Electric Bike Centre is excited to introduce the 2025 Velo De Ville Range, an innovative lineup of premium e-bikes designed to elevate the riding experience. This collection combines cutting-edge technology, stylish design, and outstanding performance and sets a new bar for effortless travel. With a team of experts and a carefully curated selection of top-quality models, Perth Electric Bike Centre ensures that every rider can find the perfect e-bike for any adventure.
Chicago Cubs swept in Tokyo Series in playoff-like atmosphere: ‘That’s a great experience for our young players’
Chicago Cubs fans again didn’t have much to cheer for in a 6-3 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers, getting swept in the Tokyo Series.