CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ (AP) — Dos años después, Panamá tiene una nueva oportunidad de levantar su primer gran título a nivel de selecciones de la CONCACAF. Y el crédito recae en buena medida al trabajo que está realizando el técnico hispano-danés Thomas Christiansen, quien está en su segundo ciclo con la selección canalera, a la […]
Day: March 21, 2025
Multiple tornadoes touch down in Gary, Highland, NWS confirms; communities still cleaning up
A storm that passed through Northwest Indiana Wednesday night led to four tornado touchdowns, according to the National Weather Service. Three EF-0 tornadoes passed through, two in Gary and one in Highland. Gary also had an EF-1 tornado pass through its west side, specifically on 21st Avenue. Mayor Eddie Melton issued an executive order Thursday, […]
Afternoon Briefing: Weather service confirms 8 tornadoes touched down in Chicago area
Good afternoon, Chicago. Here’s what is happening today.
Ford Heights mayoral candidates say water bills, property taxes are top issues in April 1 election
Five candidates are running for mayor in Ford Heights, one of the south suburbs most impoverished villages.
Workers picket Nestle plant in Schaumburg, call for boycott of DiGiorno Pizza products
Approximately 200 self-described longtime Latino workers at the Nestle-owned Nation Pizza and Foods facility in Schaumburg picketed Friday morning for what they called a racially-motivated effort to trim that workforce through the use of a new eligibility requirement.
‘A vicious, vicious response:’ Judge orders detention for woman charged with killing girlfriend on Red Line platform
Woman charged and ordered held pending trial in Tuesday’s fatal shooting on CTA Red Line platform.
The Way We Were: Back when Naperville was still a farm town, kids raised animals they hoped would win prizes
Naperville siblings Dick and Carolyn Berger seen in 1962 with their prize-winning sheep, which won awards at the county and state levels.
Homewood officials claim pond at Izaak Walton is not toxic, seek more study of chemical exceeding standards
Homewood will seek more detailed tests of the water quality in an Izaac Walton nature preserve pond.
‘We will rise’: Elgin church announces plans for worship following storm damage
After a storm severely damaged its roof last week, First United Methodist Church in Elgin announced temporary worship and ministry plans Friday, including moving Sunday services to a recently closed west-side church.
Shakira inaugura exposición en México
Por BERENICE BAUTISTA CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (AP) — Una exposición con vestuarios, instrumentos y artículos conmemorativos de Shakira se presenta con motivo de su récord de conciertos en la Ciudad de México de su gira mundial “Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran”. “Por ahora México es el país afortunado que tiene esta experiencia”, dijo Cristina Martín, […]