Think your business is the best in the industry? Put it to the vote. The Bloomingdale Chamber of Commerce is looking for businesses and general public to nominate their favorite business for the Best of Bloomingdale. A good candidate is a business that is active in its community, offers excellent customer service and stands out among its competition, or wants to stand out. This annual event is on its seventh year and continues to grow in number of businesses participating. Last year there were 89 businesses on the ballot in 23 categories.Nominations are being taken Aug. 1-7 at A business needs to have at least two nominations and be a member of the chamber, but the chamber will work with businesses on their membership requirement. The business needs to serve the Bloomingdale area, but it is not required to be located in the village of Bloomingdale. Last year several businesses from neighboring communities won in their respective category.Once all nominations are in, a committee will sort through the nominations and put like businesses into categories. The committee strives to be as specific as possible with the categories; for instance, providing the businesses the best opportunity to market their business have a greater chance to win. The more businesses that participate the more specific the categories can be, and more awarding it is for the business to win in their specific category.The chamber provides nominees marketing material to make it easy for them to market their business for votes. The public will vote between Sept. 1-12. The winner is determined by the number of votes and a questionnaire the nominee completes which is judged by a committee. Winners will be unveiled at the Best of Bloomingdale Awards Dinner on Oct. 5. Each winner receives additional marketing material to aid them in promoting their business as the Best in Bloomingdale. For any questions about the Best of Bloomingdale, contact the Bloomingdale Chamber of Commerce at (630) 980-9082 or The chamber is grateful to its Elite Sponsors whose support help make this event possible: The Bloomingdale Bank & Trust, NOW Foods and S.B.C. Waste Solutions.
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