Griffith teen charged with rape

A Griffith teen, 17, was charged in adult court Thursday with raping a girl inside an apartment complex’s fitness room’s bathroom.

He also faces charges of sexual battery and criminal confinement.

The Post-Tribune is not naming him, because it is a minor.

He is being held at the Lake County Juvenile Detention Center on a $60,000, or $6,000 cash surety bond. His next court date is not yet set.

Police responded March 9.

The girl said the teen asked her to work out with him.

They met outside a nearby restaurant and walked to the apartment gym room.

The teen touched her while working out. He started to choke her, forced her to the nearby bathroom and raped her, the affidavit alleges.

The girl repeatedly told him no and said she could barely breathe.

She went to the hospital for a rape exam.

Video footage appeared to show the teen getting “aggressive” and trying to “wrestle” the girl, then take her toward the bathroom.

He left the bathroom after ten minutes. The girl is seen crying on camera afterwards.

The teen told police he believed he was “flirting” and “wrestling” and had consensual sex.

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