Letters to the Editor

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HTTH grant will help our littlest residents

Thanks to the Help Them To Hope grant and the Lake County News-Sun, we are busy planning for the future.

Your generous contribution to Keeping Families Covered means that you believe in, and understand, just how important our mission to provide clean diapers to babies is to the community. The funds will support our diaper distribution program, which provides free diapers to children through our diaper bank and mobile diaper pantry.

Because of generous donors like you, we gave away over 2 million diapers in 2023, and we have big plans for 2024. Thank you for your willingness to help us in our efforts to provide basic needs and support to families across Lake County.

One in two families in our community goes without the basic supplies they need to live healthy lives. We are on a mission to change that and provide diapers to our littlest neighbors in need. Studies show that babies who are left in wet diapers, or are in reused diapers, are at higher risk for infections, long-term illness and even child abuse. With your generosity and partnership, we can advocate for these families and help them live better lives.

Keeping Families Covered is driven to address the silent crisis of diaper need in Lake County because no assistance programs cover diapers for babies. We do this by raising funds to purchase diapers at highly discounted prices, hosting diaper drives with community partners/supporters and advocating for families/children in Lake County who need our help.

We are so grateful for your gift and that you have joined us in the fight to #EndDiaperNeed in our community. We know that diapers change lives and with your help, we are changing the lives of Lake County families for the better.

Diapers are a basic need for children — as essential to their health and well-being as food, shelter, and a parent’s love. Yet many families struggle to afford diapers and limited resources exist to help them, so we help to fill the gap. Our diaper distribution program is critical to meeting the current and future needs of the most vulnerable residents in Lake County. The support we receive from Help Them To Hope and the Lake County News-Sun enables us to continue impacting the lives of families in an immediate and positive way.

A diaper is a small thing, but it can impact big things. Thanks to you, we will be able to restore stability and hope to families by providing them with a sufficient supply of diapers for their children. We currently serve over 2,500 children each month and your grant will enable us to provide a one-month supply of diapers to over 300 children.

Diapers allow parents to keep their children clean, dry, and healthy. Diapers provide parents with a gateway to access early childhood education for their children. Diapers mean that parents will not miss work or school because the diaper supply ran out. Diapers mean that there is a little more money in the budget for food or utilities. Diapers mean everything to struggling families and the littlest members of our community.

I look forward to sharing our continued success with you. In the meantime, if you would like to schedule a visit to see the difference that your gift is making, please contact me at 224-637-1644.

Please accept my sincerest gratitude for your gift. Thanks to your ongoing support, we can continue our work to transform our community and our world by providing children with the basics they need to thrive.

Ann Marie Mathis, founder & CEO, Keeping Families Covered

Lake Bluff Fire Department deserves our support

On Jan. 31 at about 3:15 p.m., a horrific fire erupted in a car headlight in a driveway kitty corner from my home. It traveled into the home’s three-car garage, up and through the second floor. The fire and police departments were immediately on the scene. In minutes, all family members were safely evacuated from the building. It took quite a while for the Lake Bluff Fire Department (LBFD) to put out the fire, board up and secure the building.

As terrible as the event was, the traumatized six-member family and their dog were able to start their recovery in a loaned three-bedroom home near the burned-out structure, and have dinner and shower before going to bed that night. Food, clothing, and hygienic supplies were immediately given to them. The neighbors dropping off goods did not stop for lengthy chats; rather, they left the supplies and moved on. The LBFD stayed to the end, as did the police brigade who ensured safety for all. By the time the command vehicle moved out, it was nightfall.

The police/volunteer firemen safety team on duty on Jan. 31 needs to be commended. While they were great in their performance that afternoon and evening, the reality is the team is ready 24/7 to ensure we are safe and secure. The LBFD is especially unique in that it is manned by 50 volunteer firemen who receive no salary or benefits for their service to the community. The certified firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics do receive a stipend based on a point earned for each duty stretch at the station, each meeting or training session attended, each fire engagement, or other on-the-job periods where they are present and active in service to our community.  Points are tallied once a month and stipends are awarded accordingly.

Lake Bluff is more than fortunate to have the only volunteer fire department in northeastern Illinois. We get premier services and highly trained and practiced fire service professionals at little cost to the taxpayers.  Further, these professionals care enough about us and our community to be on duty 24/7. Let us all try to remember that on July 3 when the LBFD has its only fundraiser for the year. The money donated goes to buy equipment and personal gear for the dedicated volunteer fire safety personnel who serve us 52 weeks a year.

Again, many thanks to the 50-strong LBFD volunteer fire department members. You need to be applauded daily for all that you do for us.

Janice Schnobrich, Lake Bluff




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