A dozen District 181 educators being recognized by state board of education

Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Elementary District 181 is very well represented on the Illinois State Board of Education’s list of Those Who Excel recipients for 2024.
A dozen educators, the most in the state, were selected and will be recognized at the district’s May 6 celebration event.

Since 1970, the Illinois State Board of Education has sponsored the Those Who Excel and Teacher of the Year program to honor educators who have made significant contributions to Illinois public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools, according to information from the ISBE. Awards are presented in seven categories: classroom teachers, early career educators (teachers 1-4 years), school administrators, student support personnel, educational service personnel, community volunteers, and teams. Application materials are evaluated by a selection committee composed of individuals who represent a variety of educational organizations.

“We are thrilled with the number of winners because it highlights just a few of the outstanding individuals who work in our district at all of the various levels and our commitment to publicly recognize their work,” said Jeffrey Alstadt, District 181’s director of communications.
“A few years ago, we made the commitment to more publicly recognize the work of our entire staff, and having the most individuals being recognized by the staff tells us that we are on the right track.”

Alstadt said having the most winners in the state reflects very well on District 181’s educational system.
“We are looking forward to celebrating these outstanding individuals across the district,” he said. “This program gives us another platform to showcase the talent that we have in our district. I’m sure that parents already know that they send their kids to a school district that is filled with outstanding educators at every level.”
And seeing the dozen educators honored this year sends a powerful message to students about the value placed by the district on exceptional teaching, Alstadt said.
“These educators serve as role models for their peers,” he said. “This creates a ripple effect throughout the district, ultimately leading to a more enriching learning environment for all students.

The recognition itself can be a source of motivation for students. Seeing their teachers celebrated for their commitment can make students feel valued and appreciated, fostering a sense of pride in their school community.”

The District 181 Those Who Excel recipients for 2024 are: George Andrikokus, band director, Hinsdale Middle School; Dana Bednar, Early Childhood Education teacher, Oak School; Elizabeth Bellinger, music teacher, multiple schools; Amanda Leyden, third-grade teacher, Madison School; Mary Lynch, instructional assistant, Hinsdale Middle School; Barbara Matt, fourth-grade teacher, Prospect School; Eric Morong, band director, Clarendon Hills Middle School; Kelly Peak, sixth- and seventh-grade science teacher, Hinsdale Middle School; Jennifer Pestka, Reaching Independence Through Supportive Education teacher, Walker School; Kathleen Robinson, District 181 assistant superintendent of learning; Heather Serrano, first-grade teacher, Walker School; Jennifer A. Steinhebel, social worker, Clarendon Hills Middle School; Levi Brown, principal, Clarendon Hills Middle School.

Chuck Fieldman is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

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