Letters to the Editor: Time for city to sell its 5th Avenue land and reap the tax benefits; something has to be done about the Topgolf gun problem

Time for city to sell its 5th Avenue land and reap the tax benefits

I and the rest of Naperville received an eye-popping tax bill this year. While most of this increase can be attributed to Naperville School District 203, the majority of the taxing bodies on our bill substantially increased their levies. So much for advancing affordable housing … a chant heard from political candidates with great frequency in recent local election cycles.

Our tax bills are already obscene when compared to virtually any other state. If we are going to further hammer these tax bills, we can just forget it. Absolutely no retirees will be able to stay here and the exodus of good folks out of our community will accelerate.

A multiyear freeze of our real estate tax levy should be strongly considered. Whatever impact such a freeze would have on the service end will not be as harsh as the impact these ridiculous tax bills are having on our residents.

The city of Naperville should also be encouraged to sell or develop the 13 acres of extremely valuable real estate it holds around 5th Avenue. All of this ripe and high value land is going to waste. Worse, all of it is going untaxed while in city hands.

Every tax dollar generated from a 5th Avenue development would be one less tax dollar that needs to go on to the tax levy. A developed and vibrant 5th Avenue development alone might take a very healthy whack out of our tax bills. We should stop wasting this incredibly valuable asset.

Kevin Coyne, Naperville

Something has to be done about the Topgolf gun problem

Now that 19 illegal guns have been retrieved from cars in the Topgolf parking lot, it’s time for our city council to do something about it. It’s time to tell Topgolf to get their act together or go. We don’t need this in Naperville.

They need to hire off duty policemen to patrol the area. They do not need rent-a-cops. The police can make an immediate arrest or call for back up if needed.

If 19 guns were found, how many were missed? This location, with its proximity to Interstate 88 and Route 59 is ideal for criminal activity.

Charles Brown, Naperville

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