Rescue crews search for missing man who fell into lake near Lake Forest Beach on Sunday

Officials said a search is ongoing for a 43-year-old male who fell into Lake Michigan Sunday near Lake Forest Beach.

Lake Forest Fire Department officers arrived at the beach at 2:44 Sunday afternoon following a report of a missing boater sailing a 15-foot catamaran-style sailboat in Lake Michigan Sunday. A family member called authorities when the missing individual did not appear at the boat launch at the scheduled meeting time of 2 p.m., according to Fire Chief Peter Siebert.

Fire officials initiated a search and requested assistance from departments from neighboring communities and the U.S. Coast Guard, who sent helicopters to assist in the search.

The catamaran was later located through the use of a drone, but the missing individual was not found.

Later Sunday, the person’s cell phone pinged near the Glencoe Beach, Siebert said.

The missing individual was later identified as a 43-year-old male resident from Lake Forest, but his name was withheld. Family members told authorities the missing person was not wearing a personal flotation device.

Waves were reaching four to six feet in Lake Michigan Sunday, according to Siebert.

Local officials and the Coast Guard continued their search until 7:30 p.m. Sunday. The search was scheduled to start again Monday morning by the Lake Forest Fire Department and the Lake County Sheriff’s Marine Unit.

 Daniel I. Dorfman is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

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