Hundreds of people attended Winterfest on Jan. 11 in Vernon Hills, a free Lake County event by the Vernon Hills Park District (VHPD) for about two decades.
“We had a bigger turnout than we expected,” said Rachel Laren, recreation supervisor with the park district.
The three-hour Winterfest took place on a sunny to overcast midday Saturday at 30 degrees along the Century Park Pavilion vicinity.
“The park district is a valuable community resource because we are part of that community,” Laren said.
“Our office is made up of a diverse group of people and we work together to make sure the VHPD offers something for everyone.
“It’s hard to imagine anyone not finding something they’re interested in,” Laren said.
“We’ve got a lot coming up and we hope the Vernon Hills residents are as excited as we are.“
Camp enrollment starts Feb. 11 and, “We’re all really excited for summer,” Laren said.
Event amenities included a fire pit where patrons could warm up and make s’mores. There were indoor crafts and outside, ice skating and horse-drawn carriage rides plus dog sled team demonstrations. Since snow was on the ground, sledding was a popular activity with many people bringing sleds of all types.
Betsy Andersen of Mundelein accompanied children Abby Andersen, 10, a fifth-grader, and Ezra Andersen, 12, a seventh-grader. Abby’s friend Ophelia Orlick-Yesh, also 10 and a fifth-grader from Mundelein, participated in event activities.

Abby and Ophelia sledded on colorful plastic saucers. Betsy Andersen said it was the first time that Ezra went sledding and tried ice skating.
About Winterfest, “We come every time we can,” Betsy Andersen said. “There are just so many activities, the sled hill’s fun.
“We love all these opportunities.”
Andersen added Winterfest was an opportunity, “to just enjoy the outdoors and get out there and have fun.”
Ruby Lecaroz, 2, of Mundelein, and her mother Natalia Lecaroz attended with Ruby’s grandparent Sławomir Borkowski, also of Mundelein. Ruby was seen sitting on a red sled and sledding down the big hill with Grandpa.

“It’s good for the kids to have fresh air and enjoy, even though it’s cold,” Ruby’s mother said.
Ruby’s grandfather loves being his grandchild, “every day, every minute because she’s so funny.
“It’s really fun to play with her,” Ruby’s grandfather said with a smile.
Balin Strickland, 10, a fifth-grader from Vernon Hills, used a blue sled to go down the large hill solo.
The sledding snow conditions were, “pretty good,” Balin said.
Balin’s father Brice Strickland said, “We’re having a great day.”
The dog sled team demonstrations drew numerous spectators. Jason Hussong, owner/dog trainer/musher with Doggie Development Academy of Machesney Park, Illinois, handled the High-flying Huskies dog sled team featuring several Siberian Husky dogs.
Hussong used a rig or wheeled cart to demonstrate the dog sled team taking a route around the park. There was not enough snow deep enough in some places to rely on to use the sled.

“If we had a couple more inches (of snow on the ground), we could probably (use the sleds),” Hussong said.
“This gives people the chance to not only see mushing but what it’s like and to see the dogs that are bred to actually do this,” Hussong added.
“They get a chance to see what’s all involved, how good it is with the relationship you build with training the dogs and the loyalty you’ve earned during that training process.
“Plus kids learn how to interact with dogs that aren’t theirs, proper etiquette there which is always helpful to have,” Hussong said.
Meeting Pedro, the Siberian Husky of the High Flying Huskies dog sled team, were Zachary Kim, 2, of Vernon Hills and his mother Christy Kim.
“He loves animals so he was excited to see the dog,” Zachary’s mother said.
Their family does not own a dog, Christy Kim said, so Saturday was a special encounter for Zachary to see a trained dog like Pedro up close.

“We’re having a great time,” said Christy Kim, who added this year was their first time attending Winterfest.
To the Vernon Hills Park District, “Thank you for having this event,” Zachary’s mother said.
Karie Angell Luc is a freelancer for Pioneer Press.