Elgin News Digest: Advocate’s Nurse Leader of the Year from Sherman Hospital; Kane Forest Preserve District’s 100-Year Challenge now underway

Advocate’s Nurse Leader of the Year from Sherman Hospital

Frances Teti-Teal, director of the family birthing center at Advocate Sherman Hospital in Elgin, has been named Advocate Health Care’s 2024 Nurse Leader of the Year.

This is the third consecutive time the award has gone to someone working at Sherman, a news release said.

“I am honored to be the Nurse Leader of the Year for Advocate Health Care,” Teti-Teal said in the release. “I am grateful for the opportunity to help lead our team delivering the best possible care for all our patients in the family birthing center.”

Teti-Teal is a Chicago native who has been working with patients since she was 17. She began working at Sherman Hospital in 2003, and has spent the last 16 years in her current role, mentoring other nurses, creating ways to help her team grow and working to create positive outcomes for patients, the release said.

“Frances’ commitment to her teammates and their patients is inspiring,” said Susan Morby, Sherman’s chief nursing officer said in the release.

Teti-Teal serves as a member of several community boards, including the Elgin Partnership for Early Learning, the Well Child Center and the Kane County Health Department’s Kane Kares program.

The 100-Year Challenge, a contest to celebrate the Forest Preserve District of Kane County’s centennial year, offers prizes for participants who accumulate points now through June 8. (Forest Preserve District of Kane County)

Forest preserve district’s 100-Year Challenge now underway

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County’s 100-Year Challenge, a contest to celebrate the district’s centennial year, is underway now through June 8, according to a news release.

Using smartphones, participants visit and check-in at forest preserve natural areas, explore historic sites, answer trivia questions and complete missions for a chance to win prizes.

To get started, download the Goosechase app, log in or create a free account, search for the district’s experience with code 6X5ELV or search “100-Year Challenge,” click “accept” to agree to the terms of service, create a username and join the challenge.

Participants earn points by completing missions. When the challenge ends at 5 p.m. June 8, the three highest scores will receive gifts cards and other prizes. Anyone who remains active and has accumulated at least 50 points will be entered into monthly participation drawings to win a themed gift basket.

For the terms and conditions, go to kaneforest.com/upload/TermsandConditions_Goosechase.pdf.

Polar-Palooza at Creek Bend Nature Center Saturday, Jan. 18

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County inaugural Polar-Palooza, a new family-friendly winter festival, will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at Creek Bend Nature Center, 37W700 Dean St., St. Charles,

A nature-based arcade will feature crafts, games and interactive exhibits designed to educate and entertain, according to a news release. Attendees can complete indoor and outdoor activities to earn tickets, which can be redeemed for prizes. Hot chocolate and cookies will be available.

No registration is required to attend the free event. For more information, go to www.kaneforest.com or call 630-444-3190.

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