Elgin News Digest: Elgin historic rehab, paint grants applications available; Kane officials named to Emerging Adults Task Force

Elgin historic rehab, paint grants applications available

Applications for Elgin’s 2025 Historic Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program and Historic Paint Grant Program can be submitted now through Friday, March 28.

The Historic Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program provides reimbursements of up to $20,000 for residential property owners who restore exterior architectural features of landmark homes or homes located in historic districts, according to a news release.

Paint Grants are available through a new program that will provide money up to $15,000 to low-income, owner-occupied residential property owners within the Elgin National Watch Historic District who want to paint their home’s exterior, the release said.

For grant applications, go to elginIL.gov/historicgrants and elginIL.gov/paintgrant. For more information, call Christen Sundquist, 847-931-6004.

Kane officials named to Emerging Adults Task Force

The Illinois Judicial Conference has appointed Kane County State’s Attorney Jamie Mosser and Kane County Court Services Executive Director Lisa Aust to its new Emerging Adults Task Force.

Task force members will study and recommend best practices for courts working with adults ages 18 to 24, according to a news release.

“This age group has unique needs and opportunities for rehabilitation that require tailored approaches,” Mosser said in the release.

Aust said in the release that research shows that young people’s brains are “literally” wired differently than mature adults and “we’re looking at this as an opportunity to re-imagine how the courts can work with this group to take into account their thinking and potential for change. It’s an exciting initiative.”

Early Learning Center at Elgin library being remodeled

The Early Learning Center section of the Gail Borden Public Library’s main branch in downtown Elgin will be closed through April for renovation work.

The revamped space will feature improved play areas, enhanced educational resources and more interactive learning opportunities, according to the library district’s website. It has not been remodeled since the building opened in 2003, according to library spokeswoman Natalie Kiburg.

During construction, there will be some temporary changes to services or space availability.

“We are excited to be able to offer an updated space that will be more accessible, modern and dynamic for our littlest learners,” Kiburg said.

Detention basin retrofit named 2025 Project of the Year

Elgin’s Airport Road detention basin retrofit project has been recognized with a 2025 Public Works Project of the Year Award by the American Public Works Association Fox Valley Branch.

The award is for excellence in the management, administration and implementation of a public works project, according to an Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce website post.

Elgin worked with civil engineering firm Hampton, Lenzini, and Renwick and contractor Martam Construction Inc. to transform an outdated, concrete-lined detention basin into a naturalized stormwater facility, the post said. The retrofit is designed to slow water flow, filter pollutants and provide habitat for local wildlife.

The award will be presented at an awards luncheon being held Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the Bartlett Hills Golf Club & Banquets.

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