Chuck Lukmann is stepping aside from his duties as town attorney for Chesterton, a job he has served in since 1980.
The announcement was made during Monday’s Town Council meeting and read by Connor Nolan, who has served as an associate town attorney.
“Today, I want to announce I am taking the first and by far, most difficult step in transitioning to my eventual retirement. I will no longer be involved in our firm’s representation of the town of Chesterton,” Lukmann’s statement said.
Council during Monday’s meeting restated that it is seeking a request for proposal from legal firms interested in representing Chesterton. Council also indicated that it’s willing to renegotiate its present contract with Harris, Welsh & Lukmann. Councilwoman Jennifer Fisher (I-Dist. 5), who is an attorney herself, has noted the town’s legal fees were high last year and she wants the new contract to be on a stipend — or fixed rate — basis.
Lukmann reminisced about how he was 26 years old and new in town in 1980 when his bosses asked him to represent the town of Chesterton. He eventually became a partner in the Harris, Welsh & Lukmann law firm.
“I cannot adequately express what an honor and privilege it has been for me personally to have served 12 elected Town Councils, four Clerk Treasurers, and the dozens, if not hundreds of appointed board members and department heads. There have been many wonderful things accomplished and difficult situations resolved on your behalf over the years,” Lukmann said.
Lukmann said that he personally believes that his partners are more capable and able to serve the town than he is at this time.
“The hardest part of this announcement for me has to do with the department heads and employees. Elected and appointed officials make the very important policy decisions but really are just temporary caretakers of our Town. The lifeblood of this great community are the department heads and employees who have dedicated their lives and working careers to this town,” Lukmann said.
Lukmann said he will still be around and will work with selective clients for the foreseeable future.
“Even though I will no longer personally be involved in representing the town, I will always be available to the council, board members and department heads to discuss any matters you wish,” Lukmann said.
Councilman James Ton (R-Dist. 1) read an email from Chesterton Police Chief Tim Richardson regarding the town’s legal representation.
Richardson’s email noted that in his over 31-year career in law enforcement, he has dealt with a number of lawyers. He said he’s had some great lawyers, and some bad ones which caused cases to be lost in court.
In his 3 1/2 years as Chesterton’s police chief, Richardson said he has leaned on the advice of the Harris, Welsh & Lukmann law firm, especially when he was new to the community.
“The team at HWL (Harris, Welsh & Lukmann) has never steered me or my department wrong. They are knowledgeable and good at what they do in providing sound legal advice for the police department,” Richardson said.
Richardson said the attorneys care and have a thorough knowledge of Chesterton, often recalling things from memory.
“I understand the town may be considering some possible options for legal representation to achieve some monetary savings. As a taxpayer, I can certainly appreciate that. That said, if the town ended up with one of the less than quality lawyers or law firms that I have seen in my 31-year tenure, money would no longer matter to any of us,” Richardson said.
Richardson noted that he was typing the email from inside the new police station and how the law firm played a role in making that happen.
Lukmann was able to solicit a more than $1 million contribution from Urschel Laboratories that helped the town make up a funding gap for the police station’s construction.
In other business, the council gave its final approval to up to $2.4 million in general obligation bonds to help finance the remodeling of the town hall and fire station.
The town is planning to use annual revenues collected from the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district to pay off the debt. The total project is expected to cost $2.8 million and will include the construction of a two-story, 2,000-square-foot addition to the fire station.
The council also approved hiring American Structurepoint to help with the town’s update of its Comprehensive Plan. The town’s current plan, last done in 2010, helps guide development decisions. The contract calls for American Structurepoint to be paid a maximum of $129,365.
Jim Woods is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune.