False bomb threats reported at two Chicago high schools, police say

Chicago police said they responded to two false bomb threats at schools Wednesday, a practice known as swatting, creating traffic backups and confusion.

The first call to police at 2:05 p.m. reported a bomb and request for a well-being check inside William Jones College Preparatory High School, 700 S. State St., Chicago police reported.

Officers responded along with the bomb and K-9 units, and swept the building for threats, but found none. Belmont Area detectives were investigating.

At about 2:44 p.m., police responded to a call of another bomb threat at John Hancock College Preparatory School, 5437 W. 64th Place, in the Clearing neighborhood.

Again, police bomb and K-9 units responded but found the incident was unsubstantiated. Wentworth Area detectives were investigating.

The incidents caused traffic tie-ups, as concerned parents were diverted from the schools to nearby staging areas.

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