Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office plans ‘no-refusal’ DUI crackdown during St. Patrick’s Day weekend

The Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office will be partnering with area police agencies on St. Patrick’s Day weekend for a “no refusal” DUI patrol on Saturday night.

From 11 p.m. Saturday to 3 a.m. Sunday, the state’s attorney’s office will operate the no-refusal event, according to a press release from the office on Wednesday. This means they will help local police departments obtain search warrants for individuals arrested for DUI who refuse to submit to blood, breath or urine testing.

Assistant state’s attorneys will be available to help officers with the search warrant process, which then requires someone arrested for DUI to submit to a lawfully requested chemical test, Wednesday’s release said.

Illinois courts have previously held that, if probable cause exists, a person cannot refuse chemical testing, the release said. An individual who refuses testing after being presented with a search warrant can face additional charges.

According to the release, the St. Patrick’s Day weekend initiative will be the county’s 39th no-refusal initiative since the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office started the program in 2008.

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