Route 20 going to be a bear for Elgin drivers this summer with multiple construction projects planned

Just when you thought congestion on Route 20 couldn’t get any worse, the Illinois Department of Transportation has announced repair work is to start Monday on the bridge over Poplar Creek and St. Charles and Liberty streets.

It’s one of several projects slated for the roadway this year.

With the bridge project, drivers should expect to see daily lane closures east from Grace Street to west of Shales Parkway/Bluff City Boulevard, said Maria Castaneda, spokeswoman for the Illinois Department of Transportation. In early spring, the road will be reduced to one lane in each direction, she said.

Crews are replacing the existing bridge decks, doing resurfacing work, installing new lighting, and replacing storm sewers and noise barriers as part of the $27.4 million project, Castaneda said.

While the bulk of the work is expected to be done by late this year, the final completion date is not expected until summer 2026.

Westbound lanes have been reduced on Route 20 in Elgin in advance of bridge widening work beginning Monday over Poplar Creek and St. Charles and Liberty streets. (Gloria Casas/The Courier-News)

The project is part of IDOT’s $33.2 billion Rebuild Illinois initiative to improve more than 3,200 miles of highway and nearly nine million square feet of bridge decks. So far, the agency has spent $16 billion improving 6,541 miles of highway, 686 bridges, and doing 986 safety improvements, according to a news release.

Also affecting traffic on Route 20 this year is the ongoing work to complete reconstruction of the Route 31 bridge, which goes over roadway. The $19 million project calls for a wider bridge, widened interchange ramps, new LED lighting and modernized traffic signals. In adherence with the Americans with Disabilities Act, new sidewalks, ramps and curbs are to be installed.

Also part of the Rebuild Illinois plan are IDOT plans to replace the Route 20 bridge over the Fox River, an $80 million project. No details on when construction will start are available as of now.

Work to repair the Route 20 bridge in Elgin, which crosses over Charles Street seen here as well as Liberty Street and Poplar Creek, begins Monday. (Gloria Casas/The Courier-News)
Work to repair the Route 20 bridge in Elgin, which crosses over Charles Street seen here as well as Liberty Street and Poplar Creek, begins Monday. (Gloria Casas/The Courier-News)

Another road construction project scheduled to start next month on Route 20 is the installation of a new roundabout at Reinking Road. It will replace a three-leg intersection configuration and is designed to improve local and regional traffic flow and improve safety, officials said.

The $3 million project is a collaboration between Elgin, Pingree Grove and IDOT. Shoedeen Group, a developer with plans to build more than 3,000 homes in the area, is also contributing toward the cost.

It’s to be done by May 2026.

Locally, the city of Elgin plans to start a $6.76 million Dundee Avenue reconstruction project in April. Work starts at Enterprise Street, north of Summit Street, and extends to Page Avenue. It includes water main replacement, storm sewer additions and combined sewer separation.

Construction is expected to be finished by October 2026.

For a list of Elgin’s 2025 local road projects, go to

Updates on state projects can be found on the IDOT website, For traffic and road conditions, go to

Gloria Casas is a freelance reporter for The Courier-News.

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