Worship news: Clothing giveaway and 109th anniversary

Crown Point

St. Matthias Roman Catholic Church: 101 W. Burrell Dr. — St. Matthias will have the stations of the cross from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. every Friday during Lent until April 11. In case of inclement weather, cancellation will be communicated by Flocknote message. Call 219-663-2201 for more information.

East Chicago

Greater First Baptist Church: 4862 Olcott Ave. — The church will have its worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday, which is a time for fellowship and praise.


Mt. Zion Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ: 4937 Massachusetts St. — Mt. Zion Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ will have a clothing giveaway from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. March 29. All are welcome and attendees are asked to bring their own bags.

New Mt. Moriah Baptist Church: 1917 Carolina St. — The church is holding its annual Men and Women’s Day at 4 p.m. Sunday. Special Guests are Rev. Royce Thompson, Sr., and the New Friendship Baptist Church of Gary, Indiana. Call (219) 886-2555 for more information.

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church: 2300 Grant St. — St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate its 109th church anniversary this March, with two observances at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on March 25, featuring special guests. For more information, call 219-944-7313.

Carter Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church: 635 W. 49th St. — The church will have coffee & conversation every Tuesday and Thursday each week from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. For more information, call 219-293-7570

Marquette Park United Methodist Church: 215 N. Grand Blvd. — All are welcome to worship at 11:15 a.m. Sundays at Marquette Park United Methodist Church. There will be refreshments to follow in the Fellowship Hall.


Bishop Noll Institute: 1519 Hoffman St. — Bishop Noll will host Lenten fish fry dinners from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. April 4,and April 11. Meals will include entree, salad bar, dessert and drink. Prices for seafood meals start at $15 with options of perch or pollock, shrimp and mixed platter. There will also be an option for a salad bar only for $8, and a kids meal option for $7. For more information, call 219-932-9058.


New Hope Missionary Baptist Church: 3528 St. Joseph Place — Divinity Trio will perform at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. March 22. Before Divinity Trio was formed, the members of the group traveled to sing across the U.S. and Canada with various gospel artists. For tickets, visit https://tinyurl.com/2w393wt8.


St. Peter Lutheran Church: 6540 Central Ave. — St. Peter Lutheran Church will have Sunday School at 9 a.m., church services at 10 a.m. every Sunday, and Bible studies at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. For more information, call 219-762-2673.


Immanuel Presbyterian Church: 140 U.S. 30 — Sunday school at Immanuel Presbyterian Church takes place on the second, third and fourth Sundays of every month. For more information, call (219) 865-2686.

To submit a worship brief, email cnance@post-trib.com.

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