Fatima Omar Khamissa Empowers Women During Global Crisis To Create Their Own Economy

These past 18 months have been a nightmare for small business owners, retrenchment, and professionals getting fired from their jobs. No one can disagree that the economy has taken a downturn, mental health is suffering and people are more distressed than ever before.


In the online coaching world however, things are very different from the rest of the world. Online coaches have found a loophole to make more money than ever before.


As CEO of Million Stars Academy, Fatima Omar Khamissa successfully teaches women how to transform their history and their skills into purpose, power and profit coaching female entrepreneurs.


Omar Khamissa has been doing this work for more than five years and has helped hundreds of women to become exceptional online coaches. 


When asked about her methods and why now is such an important time, Omar Khamissa said “there’s never been a better time in history for women to create their own economy. Being an online coach is the best way that I have found for women to make a difference, while they stay home raise their kids and never sacrifice their values.”


The coaching industry is a multi billion dollar business. Omar Khamissa has tapped into a sweet piece of the pie and she wants to take all serious ambitious women with her on this incredible journey.


She believes in women helping women. Her community of Million Stars Coaches champion, celebrate and hold each other accountable to achieve extraordinary results. 


The Dalai Lama once said “the future is female”. Statistics now prove that 62% of women entrepreneurs claim that their business is their primary source of income.


The US has 12.3 million women-owned businesses. And women own 31% of small businesses or franchises in the US. The data doesn’t lie. It’s time for women to claim their place as CEO bosses.


Omar Khamissa does free weekly trainings in her exclusive facebook group.


You can also watch her free online masterclass “5-shifts to 5-figure retreats”


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