Embed-SCI-Climate-Explainer-Polar Bears-Sea Ice, ADVISORY

SCI-CLIMATE-EXPLAINER-POLAR BEARS-SEA ICE – MAPS. Multi-year trends in September sea ice concentration (or how much of the ocean’s surface is covered by sea ice) show the effects of increasingly warm summers. The following visualizations show historic sea ice trends and future sea ice projections. These visualizations are current as of November 5, 2021 and will not update. Historic data source: Fetterer et al. 2017, updated daily. Sea Ice Index, Version 3. NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center. https://doi.org/10.7265/N5K072F8. Projected data source: Sanderson et al. 2018. A new ensemble of GCM simulations to assess avoided impacts in a climate mitigation scenario. Climactic Change. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-015-1567-z. HISTORIC ICE Click for preview of historic ice. PROJECTED ICE Click for preview of projected ice. Click for more digital embed content on AP Newsroom. ————– HOW TO REACH US ————– For up-to-the minute information on AP’s coverage, visit Coverage Plan at https://newsroom.ap.org/coverageplan. Expanded AP content can be obtained from http://newsroom.ap.org. For access to AP Newsroom and other technical issues, contact apcustomersupport@ap.org or call 877-836-9477. This interactive is being made available as part of a pop-up AP experiment around embeddable content like photo sliders, maps and more. To receive updates and more content, please opt in at https://discover.ap.org/embeddable_content/sign-up. Questions or feedback? Please email Opal Barclay at obarclay@ap.org.

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