Alan Porter, Strategic Wealth Advisor, Was a Featured Guest on Megabucks Radio with Nina Hershberger

Alan Porter spent 21 years in the Army and retired as a Blackhawk Helicopter Instructor Pilot. When he left the Army, he tried real estate and mortgage lending, but it was not until he became a financial advisor that he truly found his passion after the army.

He had firsthand knowledge about the need for protection when his son became 100% disabled at 35 and four years later his son’s wife passed away from stage 4 pancreatic cancer. If it had not been for the terminal illness rider on her insurance policy that let her access up to 90% of the death benefit within one year of diagnosis, his son would have been bankrupt and took a huge financial strain off of him.

Porter started studying insurance products and what he found out was insurance products have the best tax-code approved, tax-free retirement system available today. They are the only financial vehicle that can protect if you live too long, die too soon, or get sick with many benefits you can use while still living.

Besides asset protection, Porter has become an expert in helping with TAX-FREE Long Term Care expenses, and helping families eliminate debt and become their own bank. He guides clients how to use legal financial strategies used by the wealthy and financial institutions to protect, retain, and increase their wealth: to think outside the box of conventional financial planning.

“I ask people all the time when the last time their CPA, financial advisor, or attorney ever gave them any proactive advice on saving taxes or reducing their debt. The answer is almost always never,” explained Porter.

Porter does not want to replace their current advisor. He simply wants to collaborate with them as part of the team. He has people tell him that their advisors handle all of their tax and financial decisions. He lets them know that they may have the greatest advisors in the world, but it is what they don’t know the will end up costing the client hundreds of thousands possibly millions of dollars in undue, fees, taxes, and lost opportunity costs!

As the owner of Strategic Wealth Strategies located in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and a founding member of the American Tax Planning Institute, he is a non-traditional financial advisor. His mission is to defend his clients from the enemy: excessive taxes and wealth killing financial strategies. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and CW.

His book, Wealth Beyond Taxes, can be found on Amazon.

To listen to the full interview, visit
To learn more about Alan Porter, visit

To contact Alan Porter, call 910-551-1046 or email him at

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