(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Alvin Buyinza, The Conversation and Jamaal Abdul-Alim, The Conversation (THE CONVERSATION) Beyond safety and survival, a paramount question throughout the pandemic has been: When will things get ‘œback to normal’�? But as the nation gradually gets vaccinated against COVID-19 and various facets of society begin to reopen, it becomes evident that a return to normalcy poses a whole new set of questions, challenges and concerns. Perhaps nowhere is this more apparent than when it comes to the education and parenting of America’s school-age children, whose childhoods have been uprooted in unparalleled ways since the pandemic struck in early 2020. Here we highlight five articles that help parents and educators better understand and do what it takes to get kids back to their classrooms, friends and regular routines. 1. How can America’s schools safely reopen? That’s a question that Brandon Guthrie, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington, takes up in a piece about the conditions that must be met in order for in-person instruction to resume. On the question of how many teachers need to be vaccinated for schools to safely reopen, Guthrie writes that there is ‘œno magic number.’� ‘œIn fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that in-person learning can start safely as long as other mitigation protocols like mask-wearing and adequate ventilation are in place,’� Guthrie writes. ‘œVaccines offer an added level of protection.’� 2. How soon can kids get the COVID-19 vaccine? James B. Wood, an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, addresses five questions parents are asking about when their children can get vaccinated. ‘œBefore kids under 16 can be vaccinated, clinical trials need to be completed in thousands of young volunteers to assess the vaccines’ safety and efficacy, and the results must be fully reviewed and the vaccine authorized by the FDA,’� Wood writes. 3. What about physical school conditions? COVID-19 isn’t the only threat children face as in-person instruction becomes more common. Michael Addonizio, an education policy scholar at Wayne State University, shines light on the deteriorating conditions at many of America’s schools and the threat those conditions pose to students. ‘œMany kids are attending public schools this spring with the use of COVID-19 safety protocols, including more desk spacing, more frequent cleaning and mandates to wear masks,’� Addonizio writes. ‘œBut far too many of the school buildings themselves remain dilapidated, toxic and in desperate need of structural improvements.’� 4. How can children’s stress be reduced? With all the concerns about what it takes to safely reopen the physical buildings that house America’s schools, it can be easy to forget that child well-being is a critical part of the equation. With that in mind, Amanda Sheffield Morris, a professor of human development and family science, and Jennifer Hays-Grudo, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, offer 10 research-proven strategies on how parents can help their children reduce the stress brought about by the pandemic. Among other things, they prescribe ‘œprotective and nurturing experiences’� ‘” such as keeping homes free of chaos and clutter ‘” that they describe as ‘œpowerful antidotes to stress and adversity and prepare children to cope with hard times for years to come.’�
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