Aurora accepts land donation near Fox River

Aurorans might not realize it, but if they ever entered the McDonald’s restaurant on Lake Street, they probably drove for a moment on a private road.

The restaurant is at a lighted intersection at what the signs say is Lake Street, or state Route 31, and Lyon Place. Lyon Place has technically been a private road just east of the intersection. But not anymore.

It now belongs to the city of Aurora, after the Aurora City Council Tuesday night voted to accept it from the private owner who wanted to donate it to the city.

The road goes down a hill toward land along the Fox River. There’s nothing there now, although at one time there were three houses down at the end of Lyon Place.

The land is now vacant, and there are lots there along the river where nothing but the Fox River Trail runs through. But some day, Lyon Place might not be a road to nowhere, city officials said.

Eventually, the city sees that area as potential high-density residential development, as elucidated on the city’s comprehensive plan, according to John Curley, Aurora’s chief development officer.

He said when that land is developed someday, Lyon Place could serve as emergency vehicle access.

“It would be strategic for us to control it,” he said.

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