Aurora approves contract for summer youth programs

The Aurora City Council Tuesday night approved a $183,000 contract with Cities in Schools to provide summer programs for young people in the city.

The contract will continue a collaborative effort between the city and Cities in Schools for summer programs that has gone on since 2010.

Simon Rodriguez, Aurora’s youth services director, has said the city competitively bids the contract each year, but finds few organizations that meet the requirements as Cities in Schools does.

The programs are summer camps for young people that sometimes include trips and other experiences, he said.

The programs are free for the participants, including transportation and admissions when necessary. Last year, some 285 students participated in the programs at five different sites.

This year, the programs will take place at Hill Elementary School, 724 Pennsylvania Ave., for the West Aurora School District; O’Donnell Elementary School, 1640 Reckinger Road, in the East Aurora School District; Wheatlands Elementary School, 2290 Barrington Drive, Aurora, in Oswego-based School District 308; and either Georgetown Elementary School, 995 Long Grove Drive, Aurora, or McCarty Elementary School, 3000 Village Green Drive, in Indian Prairie School District 204.

Rodriguez said that final location has not been firmed up yet.

There also is a city-wide drama camp at Bardwell Elementary School, 550 S. Lincoln Ave., as part of the program.

The camps will take place June 3 to June 27 in the West Aurora and Oswego locations, as well as the drama camp. The dates are June 5 to June 27 in the East Aurora and Indian Prairie districts.

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