Aurora could get refrigerated truck for food giveaway program

Aurora is developing a food giveaway program thanks to a refrigerated truck that Factor 75 and Hello Fresh on the far West Side want to donate.

The truck would allow the city to expand giveaways of food donated by the companies. Factor 75 makes prepared meals, and Hello Fresh delivers ingredients with recipes for home-cooked meals.

During this year, the city had held several giveaways of food donated by the companies, and officials said with the truck donation, the city can develop a program that would be available year-round.

“The first step is accepting the vehicle,” said Alex Alexandrou, the city’s chief management officer. “We were spurred by this summer’s great success. We want to do it year-round.”

The truck would be operated by the city, although the companies would donate the food. Alexandrou said members of the city’s Community Development Department are working on a program for seniors to receive the food, as well as others.

“We know there are gaps in coverage between Meals on Wheels, and the township,” he said. “(The two companies) already provide food to the food pantries. This is a way we thought we could serve the community directly.”

Ald. John Laesch, at large, asked if the city would be duplicating what places like the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry and the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry do.

But Alexandrou said the city has talked to the food pantries and they are happy the program could supplement what they do.

“Ask any of the food pantries, the Factor meals fly off their shelves when they are given,” he said.

Alexandrou said city officials will use the truck to develop a program that serves needs throughout the city.

“We’re going to try and create an equitable program based on people’s needs,” he said.

The donation recommendation will go before the City Council Committee of the Whole in September.

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