Back to School Bash in Aurora’s 1st Ward helps kids get ready for start of classes

Lucy Ocasio of Aurora has two children in need of school supplies and found what she was looking for at an event  Saturday at Garfield Park in the city.

“I came to this event last year and it helps me manage things a little with book bags and supplies and makes the budget a bit better and helps save a little money,” Ocasio said as she waited for the opening of the annual 1st Ward Back To School Bash, a joint effort between the city of Aurora and the Gamma Beta Chapter of Hermandad De Sigma Iota Alpha sorority.

“Schools seem to be asking for about the same amount of supplies each year, but it’s great that the city and others try to help out, especially for those who can’t afford it,” she said.

With schools about to open in just another week or so, the event offered free school supply kits as well as food, games, inflatable bounce houses, music and more.

A number of service and medical groups were also on hand to provide information or services.

Jazmine Llamas, organizer for the back-to-school events for Hermandad De Sigma Iota Alpha, said this was the fourth back-to-school event that has been held in partnership with the city and that some changes were made this year in terms of supplies based on feedback from local schools.

“We are doing 500 kits this year compared to 300 our first year, and the past couple years since we’ve done about 500 as well,” she said before the event. “We’ve added things to the event like hot dogs, bouncy houses, face painting, balloon animals and the soccer fields here. We also have about 12 organizations that will hand out resources for the community.”

Backpacks were eliminated this year, Llamas said, “after talking to the school districts who said that those were one of the least-needed items.”

“We were told they needed more school supplies than anything, so we focused our resources on that,” she said. “They are getting actual school supply kits in elementary and we have middle and high school kits.”

Llamas said the switch to more supplies was “easier this year.”

“Last year, we had to buy all the school supplies individually and this year we ordered them from an organization and they already come pre-packaged,” she said.

Oliva Vargas of Mundelein came down to Aurora to once again help with the volunteer effort at the Back To School Bash.

“I come because I want to represent our sorority and Jazmine (Llamas) does such a great job organizing the event,” Vargas said. “Being part of the same sorority, we always try to come out and support what she’s doing and the community. This is the third year I’ve been coming out and it’s been such a great turnout and such a benefit for the community and its members, so we continue to support it.”

Esther Rompf of Aurora said she has come the past four years to the event and was the first in line this year.

“I’m usually here by 9-something. This year, I was here at 9:30 so I could be first in line,” she said while looking at daughter Alexandria, 6. “I just have this one child, but it helps me out being a single parent. It helps me with the supplies and the book bags, and I really appreciate it. This usually covers everything except the wipes and the Kleenexes.”

Briana Glenn of Aurora said she has three children and came after hearing about the event from Ocasio.

“This will help. Budget-wise, we’re kind of struggling right now and looking for any assistance we can get and luckily we found out about this in the area and it helps us save money to buy other supplies for the kids,” she said. “I have a 2-year-old and a little one who is getting ready for kindergarten and another for third grade. Now that we know about this, we’ll definitely be back.”

David Sharos is a freelance reporter for The Beacon-News.

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