Bicycle racing a 'wheel' part of Northbrook's history

Though hosting a stage of the Intelligentsia Cup on July 28 will be a first for Northbrook, bicyclists rolling into and around town are nothing new for the Village. It’s no secret that Northbrook and bicycle racing have had a strong connection since at least the early 1960s thanks to the Ed Rudolph Velodrome at Meadowhill Park. But … more on that unique facility later. Following a three-quarter-mile route through the downtown area, the Northbrook Grand Prix will serve as the seventh stage of this year’s 10-race Intelligentsia Cup events, which feature criterium races — cyclists competing over a closed-circuit road course. For some longtime residents, this event may prompt memories of when Northbrook hosted the National Amateur Bicycle Championships eight times from 1963 to 1979.

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