Black Labor Week begins Monday in NWI

Activities in Northwest Indiana begin Monday to mark Black Labor Week, a project launched by a Black steelworker in 2012 to recognize contributions to the labor movement.

The lineup of events includes free haircuts at various sites, a mayors’ discussion at Indiana University Northwest and a Black women’s empowerment seminar.

“Black Labor Week was a vision that originally started as an initiative that focused on changing the narrative within the Black community,” said founder Ephrin “E.J.” Jenkins.

“My objective was to have an annual convening that would give us five consecutive days of activism and action. Our mission is to display the parallels between the Black community and the labor movement.”

This week, The organization focuses on youth, unemployment, education, mentoring, Black health, community service, leadership development and Black history.

Discussions will touch upon veterans’ issues, racism, sexism, sexual orientation and discrimination.

“It helps educate and display the contributions of Black leaders to the Black community that are often unheard and or overlooked,” said Jenkins.

Clarence Thornton, a steelworker from Gary, said Jenkins encouraged him to get involved in union leadership a few years after he started a U.S. Steel job in 2008.

“Thirteen years later, the thing that amazes me is we have people from all over the United States come here for this,” he said.

“Our goal is to educate people on what Blacks have contributed to the labor movement,” he said.

He cited the effort of the Pullman porters, who formed a union in 1925 in protest of working conditions and the support and impact of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who stood with striking Memphis sanitation workers in 1968, just before his assassination.

Thornton said this year marks the first time the events have expanded to Chicago.

Since Black Labor Week began, its supporters say outreach has resulted in interaction with more than 40,000 students, 1,200 veterans and 70,000 families.

Here’s a list of events:

Monday: 8 a.m. – free haircuts and community breakfast at Trinity United Church of Christ, 1276 West 20th Ave., Gary; Veterans Village of NWI, 839 Massachusetts St., Gary; The Center, 1845 W. 37th Ave, Gary.

5 p.m. – “Night at the Movies,” United Auto Workers Local 551 Hall, 13550 S. Torrence Ave., Chicago.

Tuesday: 7 a.m. – Day of Education, Labor Week participants visiting 12 area schools.

5 p.m. – Black male panel discussion, UAW Local 551, 13550 S Torrence Ave., Chicago.

Wednesday: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., workshops at Indiana University Northwest, Gary including 11 a.m. mayors’ panel, IUN Bergland Auditorium.

5 p.m.: Black women empowerment seminar, UAW Local 551, 13550 S. Torrence Ave., Chicago.

Thursday: 7 a.m. community service projects;

7 p.m., “A Night to Speak” at Loft Adiq Ultra Lounge, 752 Broadway, Gary.

Friday: 5 p.m. – Civil Rights Awards Gala, Indiana Welcome Center, 7770 Corinne Dr., Hammond

Carole Carlson is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune.

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