Dear Eric: I have been married to my husband for 16 years and we have a wonderful, blended family. Our kids are now grown (ages 26-35). My husband’s first wife died of a drug overdose/swimming accident 23 years ago. They were in the process of a divorce at the time.
Category: Asking Eric
Asking Eric: My husband will not buy me flowers and doesn’t want me to buy flowers for myself
Dear Eric: He seems bent on controlling the flowers in our home.
Asking Eric: Husband doesn’t consult me about home purchases
Dear Eric: My husband and I (second marriage) had a disagreement earlier today, and I would love your help. I admit I am particular about the items I purchase for my home, and I would like to help choose. We don’t need things very often, but I do like to give input on things before he buys them regarding color/style. He buys tools and things he uses, and I am fine not being involved with that. But if it is something more decorative or a shared item for the kitchen, then I would like to be involved.
Asking Eric: Sister is angry with me visiting her soon-to-be ex-husband
Dear Eric: My sister is going through a divorce after 40 years of marriage. It has been a long time coming during which time I have seen her often berate her husband in front of family and friends for doing things the rest of us could not recognize. I’ve also seen her rage at my elderly mother who has breast cancer.
Asking Eric: My mother is a negative Nancy
Dear Eric: My 78-year-old mother is a very kind and generous person; however, she goes through life looking through a lens of negativity. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong in her eyes. She constantly complains that she has the worst luck, the worst pain and is always on the verge of death. The exaggeration and drama of every situation is a part of her daily living. I get calls in the middle of the night telling me that she’s going to have a heart attack or a stroke.
Asking Eric: What should I call my ex-step kids?
Dear Eric: I am a male and have been married and divorced twice. My first wife and I had two kids. My second wife had four kids previously. I am still friends with everyone and see them semi-often.
Asking Eric: Woman asked if I’m homeless. I’m a retired lawyer who was riding a $5,000 bicycle.
Dear Eric: What’s an appropriate response? Should I get angry? Should I question her motives? Should I be supportive to her? Should I dress better?
Asking Eric: Grumpy old woman is ruining book club
Dear Eric: I belong to a small book club that now comprises six older women. All of us have been with the group for more than 30 years. For the most part, we all get along and enjoy the variety of books that are selected to be read each year. We have one member who is very opinionated about everything and does not hesitate to let her thoughts be known to us all.
Asking Eric: Should I ask my adult sons to pay rent?
Dear Eric: In a few weeks, my sons, 22 and 20, will be coming for a visit. Both have stated that they do not wish to renew their rental lease. I love and like my boys. I would welcome them with open arms. But there has to be rules and boundaries. Is asking them to work part time instead of full time while they pursue their dreams and a small amount of rent too much?
Asking Eric: Nephew has severe case of failure-to-launch
Dear Eric: I have a mid-20s nephew who appears to be afflicted with a severe case of failure-to-launch syndrome. He dropped out of college after six months, moved in with his mom (my sister), only interacts with peers via gaming and comes across as utterly apathetic and disengaged from the world.