Asking Eric: Am I justified in asking for these things back?

Dear Eric: During the process of our moving from a large house to an apartment in a retirement community, my daughter-in-law asked my son to leave their house. I had already arranged to give them many things, including my late daughter’s artwork, two antique Chinese wedding chests and a Turkish rug. I paid to have these things, as well as a dining set, two sofas, and beds, moved to their house, thinking that they would get back together.

Asking Eric: I miss having sex with my partner

Dear Eric: It’s been more than six months of living together and now it’s almost a month before he is “in the mood”. I have cried and we have gotten into arguments over the lack of intimacy in our relationship. Each time, he claims he is still attracted to me but just isn’t interested in sex anymore. He said he doesn’t have that urge. He is worried if he tried to have sex, he wouldn’t be able to perform.

Asking Eric: I’m Ms. not Mrs.

Dear Eric: When my mother or brother write to me, they address the letters to Mrs. Green. I have not been Mrs. Green at home for more than 20 years and was always Ms. Green at work. I am not Mrs. Green. I am Ms. Green. Mostly it doesn’t bother me, I think that’s just them. And I don’t know how to raise it with them without opening old wounds. Do I continue to suck it up or do I say something. If so, what?