Dear Eric: My brother is 22 years old and has always had a girlfriend, though none of the relationships have ever lasted. His previous girlfriends have been controlling and possessive, to the point that he breaks up with them.
Category: Asking Eric
Asking Eric: Windfall could keep loved one alive, but at what cost?
Dear Eric: On the one hand, my wife always says, “it’s just money” and we sometimes spend (her) money to help family and friends in need, either by flying there to help or paying off debts, etc. On the other hand, my brother lived the life he chose and is reaping what he sowed.
Asking Eric: Will I ever be in love?
Dear Eric: I have been very successful in my work, but woefully unsuccessful in dating. I have tried dating apps. I have tried exploring my hobbies. I have tried asking friends to set me up, all end up fruitless.
Asking Eric: Couple can’t get away from friends’ antisocial daughter
Dear Eric: My husband and I have a close relationship with another couple. Their daughter, two years out of college and gainfully employed, lives with them. When we are invited to have dinner or drinks at this couple’s house, the daughter often joins.
Asking Eric: I’m struggling with anger after my husband’s suicide
Dear Eric: I am really struggling with anger and heartbreak and need a little help. A year ago, my husband took his own life. Four days before he passed, he told me that he had been having an affair with another man.
Asking Eric: Dying brother won’t apologize
Dear Eric: When we were growing up, Greg made my life hell. He bullied me mercilessly; he threatened me with sexual abuse. My parents were too busy dealing with his teachers or the police calling about Greg fighting or setting fires.
Asking Eric: I’m giving more than I get
Dear Eric: I have sent multiple gifts to everyone in the family over the years, despite my crushing student loan debt. I paid for my niece’s RN program after my brother abandoned her. I head home every holiday, give more cash, spend time. Now, I’m at a breaking point.
Asking Eric: Wife prioritizing phone calls and texts over time with me
Dear Eric: My wife and I are both 70. We recently gave up our landline and now both carry our cellphones. Lately my wife, when receiving a text or call, will stop what she’s doing to reply. While eating lunch together recently and having a conversation, a text came in and she interrupted our talk to respond.
Asking Eric: I love this man. I hate how we live.
Dear Eric: Our home has become so full that we only have paths to go from one room to another. Stacks of boxes and bags and collections surround the paths. Despite this, I attempt to clean and vacuum this house, mostly on my own.
Asking Eric: Friend still speaking to her ex, despite his mistreatment
Dear Eric: Several months ago, a friend’s boyfriend broke up with her. She is devastated over this as she loves him very much. Even though he treated her very poorly by saying she is stupid and is an embarrassment, she still loves him.