Dear Eric: I have met many wonderful people but have a problem getting close with anyone. Any suggestions?
Category: Asking Eric
Asking Eric: Are we going to get married and have kids?
Dear Eric: When we first got together, he was very much open to marriage and kids, but it seems that this has changed, even though he has not clearly expressed this to me.
Asking Eric: Family member insists on washing dishes by hand
Dear Eric: The hot water waste is incredible, it’s left running while the person talks and tells stories. And they’re slow to boot.
Asking Eric: I gained 100 pounds since we last dabbled in romance
Dear Eric: I’ve been friends with “Steven” for 40 years. We’ve dabbled in romance a few times when we were both single, but we always return to the platonic comfort zone. We live in separate states and haven’t seen each other for 15 years. We talk on the phone about once a month, and I’m satisfied with that.
Asking Eric: No thank you for Christmas gifts
Dear Eric: I got nothing from anyone. Not even an acknowledgement from the kids.
Asking Eric: Mom has become mean
Dear Eric: Since my dad and brother have passed, my mom is increasingly mean, angry, rude and spreads rumors about me and my kids. To the point where she told several people, including my long-term boyfriend, that I cheated on my ex-husband (the father of my children). That is an out-and-out lie.
Asking Eric: College student distraught at being away from boyfriend
Dear Eric: I love her boyfriend and support their relationship – he is kind and fun. However, I’m concerned about how quickly they have become emotionally dependent on each other.
Asking Eric: Husband talks to me like a child
Dear Eric: At first, I cried about it and really tried my best to change and remember things but now when he confronts me, I get angry.
Asking Eric: I don’t want to be alone
Dear Eric: My father is in his late 80s and not in great health. I cannot stop worrying that when both my father and my partner leave this Earth, I will be all alone.
Asking Eric: Husband’s splurges at grocery store are bothering me
Dear Eric: I don’t believe I should be responsible for half the cost, which he thinks is unfair and disloyal to our agreement.