Syrians are relieved that Bashar Assad’s reign is now a thing of the past. Yet there is concern about how Syria will now be governed.
Category: Columnists
Heidi Stevens: ‘I thought my dad was quite the woodsman.’ Pretending to chop down a tree and other tricks to keep the holidays magical
One of my favorite things about the holidays is the lengths that grown-ups go to so kids can feel wonder and magic and awe.
David Greising: Brandon Johnson’s unprecedented spending means City Council is right to put away its rubber stamp
If Brandon Johnson really were serious about collaborating, he would have provided Chicago aldermen their budget data by now.
Laura Washington: A pox on Christmas creep and huzzah for Thanksgiving
Many readers lamented, as one put it, “the demise of Thanksgiving” and paid homage to the erstwhile November holiday.
Daniel DePetris: After rebels retake Aleppo, is Bashar Assad on his way out?
Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, otherwise known as Bashar Assad’s lifeline in Syria, have bigger fish to fry at the moment.
Edward Keegan: Are Chicago’s latest big projects too big to succeed?
Proposed projects in Chicago address vacant tracts of land. But realizing their potential doesn’t require another big idea, or even a big stadium.
Clarence Page: Democrats have work to do to reclaim the mantle of change
Democrats are trying to determine if Election Day was a circumstantial setback or the unfolding of a potentially long-term disaster.
Laura Washington: Don’t let Christmas bleed into Thanksgiving
This time should be a moment for family and friends to gather, reflect and pay homage to the goodness the year has brought.
Daniel DePetris: Donald Trump shouldn’t return to maximum pressure on Iran
Iran has expanded its nuclear program since Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in 2018.
John T. Shaw: During a dark presidential campaign, glimmers of statesmanship shined through
During a dark presidential campaign, two mayors from swing states insisted on placing the public interest above their personal or partisan interest.