Israel had good cause to try to neutralize Hezbollah, but that justification doesn’t change the fact that more war is now on the horizon.
Category: Columnists
Steve Chapman: Kamala Harris claims the cause of freedom
Given Donald Trump’s many attacks on basic liberties, all Democrats have to do to look good is not agree with him.
Heidi Stevens: Why voters — even women, like, past 50 — care about abortion rights
Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock has a saying: “A vote is a kind of prayer for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children.” He said it in 2022, after defeating Republican challenger Herschel Walker in a runoff election. He said it in Chicago during his speech at this year’s Democratic National Convention. He has posted it on his social accounts. It’s worth repeating. It’s a good line …
David Greising: Stacy Davis Gates’ attacks on Pedro Martinez aren’t what’s best for CPS
If Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates chose to own some of her responsibility to taxpayers, she might succeed on several fronts.
Daniel DePetris: The US looks impotent as warfare between Israel and Hezbollah escalates
If Hezbollah uses longer-range missiles against Israel, Washington’s efforts to prevent a full-scale war likely would quickly unravel.
Edward Keegan: New West Side Boys & Girls Club is a quintessential Chicago building for the 21st century
Beyond just hosting after-school programs, the Rusu-McCartin Boys & Girls Club inspires awe and wonder.
Elizabeth Shackelford: We need the United Nations in the peacekeeping business again
Research has consistently shown that third-party peacekeeping is effective, so why is funding for it going down?
Daniel DePetris: The US and China are talking again. But will it lead anywhere?
The U.S. and China are still talking past one another on the big issues — Taiwan, the South China Sea, arms control, the war in Ukraine.
Clarence Page: Kamala Harris makes the most of her chances, while Donald Trump phones it in
Kamala Harris understood Donald Trump’s deepest insecurities, and she wasted no time in coaxing her opponent to vent them.
Heidi Stevens: The lie about immigrants eating pets raises a larger question: What if we tuned into each other’s hunger and humanity?
The former president’s lie raises a larger question: What if we tuned into each other’s hunger and humanity?