Three days after the outage, 14 group members, including supervisors and students, are still in Puerto Rico with flights scheduled Tuesday.
Category: Daily Southtown Opinion
David McGrath: Suburban church’s checkered past a cautionary tale for parents
The era was a perfect storm , when the highly regarded Dr. Benjamin Spock condoned corporal punishment and parents had unquestioning trust.
Column: Park Forest to continue 75th anniversary events with mid-August gala
The big bash is planned as a concert by the Better Together jazz ensemble, along with a reception and/or dinner in Freedom Hall.
Vickroy: Supermarkets have made ‘shop till you drop’ a real thing and I resent it
Grocery shopping has become a dive into demoralization. “Should we try self-checkout?” I asked my husband, in that hopeful way people of a certain age try to be. He quickly grabbed my arm, “No. We can’t. We have fruit.” I immediately pivoted for the long line with a real cashier. Fruit. Vegetables. Coupons. Liquor. All of them are sure to trigger that smug annoying voice that alerts the world you have user issues. A brush with self-checkout is a brush with humiliation.
Column: Departures of Park Forest manager, library director leave voids
Tom Mick is preparing to retire as Park Forest village manager, and Library Director Barbara Osuch also is leaving.
Park Forest village manager Tom Mick to step down
Park Forest village manager Tom Mick announced he will step down from his job next year, terminating a nearly 26-year association with the community.
Column: Post Father’s Day remembrance of a difficult life
Fellow prisoners conducted classes where he learned archeology, biology and even more history. He learned English through the novels of Charles Dickens.
David McGrath: My father knew how to make all of his 8 kids feel special
My dad was a salesman in debt half his life and never able to buy us things. But he gave to each of us something way more valuable: himself.
Column: Matteson relatives create, grow event planning business
A Trio of Creations Gourmet Shake Bar in Matteson has a menu of 22 shakes, among them its peach cobbler, banana pudding and the lemonade shake with Lemonhead candy.
Vickroy: My father wasn’t a rich man but what he gave me can’t be calculated in dollars and cents
The value of hard work and thinking for yourself are the gifts columnist Donna Vickroy’s father gave to her that are worth so much more than money.