Term limits for our elected leadership is critical and eight years is a reasonable term limit for any elected official. After all, not even the president of the United States serves more than two terms. I will be voting no to the referendum.
Category: Daily Southtown Opinion
Column: Former Park Forest Mayor Jon Vanderbilt still working for vocation school at shuttered Rich East campus
Former Park Forest Mayor Jon Vanderbilt remains determined to keep working for a new vocational high school facility at the shuttered Rich East High School campus, possibly linked to a manufacturing plant west of the L3VEL-3 facility.
Vickroy: When you share a birthday with a major metropolitan city, an ode seems in order
Halloo, hallay, from the Bean to Union Station, here comes a day, or citywide celebration. On this March 4, by proclamation of the mayor; Chicago adds a year, while I simply turn grayer. You’re a windy 187, Me, a century-plus less, we have the same birthday, but not the same noblesse.
Column: Rich Township to move senior center from Park Forest to Matteson
Township Supervisor Calvin Jordan said the Shirley Green Senior Center on Liberty Street in the downtown area will relocate to a 5-acre site near the Matteson Village Hall.
Column: South Suburban College training program seeks to increase diversity in construction trades
Students are introduced to 24 trades and get training in mathematics for the trades, job site readiness, concrete flatwork, blueprint reading orientation, first aid/AED/CPR, introduction to tools and forklift operation
Letter: Disingenuous to end ShotSpotter program
Last year, Chicago recorded 617 murders, compared with 696 in 2022. I guess the mayor considers that a downward trend.
Column: Helping, moving and taking photos of animals that make winter visits to our yard
It seems especially true to homes adjacent to the forest preserve and, in some cases, the homes bordering Park Forest’s Central Park, where they are known to eat birdseed from backyards.
Column: Governors State Black History Month read-in takes place amid attacks on Black history
The National African American Read-In at Governors State takes place from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Feb. 26 at Engbretson Hall. The event, among read-ins being held across the country, will feature poems, short stories, memoirs, novels and other literary works written by Black authors.