Q. I have noticed in other columns that you have suggested that parents should be the only ones attending 504 special ed meetings for their children. Bonus parents should not attend.
Category: Ex-etiquette
Ex-etiquette: How do you get over a hurt this big?
Q. I served our country, had some serious things happen to me and just could not see through to the other side for years. I did not want to return home and met someone else.
Ex-etiquette: Is it okay to have my new boyfriend sleep over when my grandson is visiting?
A. I answer this question for grandparents the same way I answer it for parents.
Ex-etiquette: Boyfriend was wearing a wedding ring at work
Q. When he walked into work, I noticed he was wearing a wedding ring. He had an early Zoom meeting and went directly into his office. When the meeting was over and he came out, we chatted for a while, and I noticed he was no longer wearing the ring. He just told me he loved me last night! Is there any other explanation other than he is married? I can’t think of one. What is good ex-etiquette?
Ex-etiquette: Brother wants me to end friendship with his ex-wife
Q. My brother is angry with me because I am best friends with his now ex-wife, Samantha. He expects me to abandon a 12-year friendship because they broke up. I haven’t taken sides. I see both of their points of view!
Ex-etiquette: I miss my grandchildren
Q. My son’s fiancee left 18 months ago, taking their two young children with her. The relationship had a number of struggles including immaturity, mental health and his drinking issues.
Ex-etiquette: Our son is always in the middle of our issues
Q. My child’s father never returns my phone calls or texts. I wait for hours, sometimes days, for a reply and one never comes.
Ex-etiquette: How to set healthy co-parenting boundaries
Q. I often hear, “Set clear boundaries” when co-parenting, but my co-parent just does what he wants and I am left frustrated and angry because he doesn’t listen to me.
Ex-etiquette: I think my boyfriend is cheating
Q: A few months ago, he stopped coming home every night. When I ask him where he has been, he says he was drinking with friends and stayed at one of their homes.
Ex-etiquette: Am I being too sensitive?
Q. I am my husband’s second wife and we have been happily married for 40 years. My issue is that whenever my husband thinks of a place or a person from the past, he will start by saying: “When we were in Santa Fe, New Mexico…..” So, I ask the obvious question: Who is we? His response is: my ex-wife