Can gifted plants continue to grace your home after the holidays?
Category: Home and Garden
Cut your own Christmas tree for best quality
Cutting your own tree and bringing the tree indoors as close to Christmas as possible will give you the optimum freshness.
Battling buckthorn in your garden? Here are some tips.
This is a good time of year to cut your buckthorns down and treat the stumps with a stump killer.
Pick a tree that will light up your holiday
Oh, Christmas tree! We want you to stay green and safe through the holidays. That means choosing a fresh holiday tree carefully and caring for it attentively as long as it is in the house. Here are some tips from Sharon Yiesla, plant knowledge specialist in the Plant Clinic at The Morton Arboretum in Lisle. Buy a […]
Winter checks and pruning make big trees safer
Before the holiday bustle becomes all-consuming, consider arranging to have your large trees inspected and pruned this winter.
Why is my Christmas cactus in bloom?
The plant in question could be Thanksgiving cacti, plant experts say.
Chicago Fire Department reminds Thanksgiving cooks to remember one crucial ingredient: Safety
Using a pulley and standing a safe distance back, a Chicago firefighter dropped a frozen bird into a turkey fryer with too much hot oil, splashing the viscous liquid everywhere. The oil swiftly ignited, and despite a quick reaction from another firefighter wielding a hose, bright orange flames as tall and wide as a CTA bus engulfed the fryer. “Thanksgiving is one of the year’s busiest days for fire departments, with cooking-related fires leading the charge,” said Chicago Fire Department Commissioner Annette Nance-Holt Wednesday morning at the turkey-fry-gone-wrong demonstration. As families gear up for Thanksgiving gatherings stuffed with gratitude and […]
Is it too late to plant trees this year?
There is still time to plant deciduous trees and shrubs, though you will find mixed opinions on whether planting this late in November is advisable.
Help your evergreens get ready for winter
It’s easy to assume that all evergreen shrubs are tough as nails, but winter can be hard on the plant.
Water will protect your evergreens
Evergreens that were planted recently should not go into winter under stress from being too dry.